What's New

What to Expect When Expecting Home Hospice

Experiencing the end of life like this, isn’t something most people want to think about. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that hospice care can be provided wherever the patient calls…

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Quality of Life at the End of Life

“Who is there in all the world who listens to us? Here I am- this is me in my nakedness, with my wounds, my secret grief, my despair, my betrayal,…

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Honoring Last Wishes

We have many beliefs at St. Anthony’s Hospice. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to die with dignity. We believe the end of life is as precious and fragile…

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Say What? A guide to understanding your diagnosis

Have you ever left a doctor’s appointment or the hospital and just thought to yourself “what in the world did they just say to me?” Your doctor doesn’t intend to…

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Managing Your Pain

Having a serious illness is often accompanied by physical pain. Living with this pain can make simple tasks hard to do- such as eating, sleeping, and basic household chores. Many…

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