What's New

Cloth Face Coverings & Masks

Many people are following the CDC recommendations when it comes to wearing cloth face masks and face coverings. The cloth masks are intended for the person wearing it to keep…

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Palliative Care vs. Hospice Care

St. Anthony’s Hospice offers both hospice care and palliative care, but do you know the difference between the two? While both hospice and palliative care have the same goal in…

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Why St. Anthony’s- Janie Miller, RN

Today we are adding another Why St. Anthony’s post from our Facebook feed to our blog. This time it comes from one of our Lucy Smith King Care Center RNs, Janie…

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Why St. Anthony’s- Jean Martin

We are working to build our blog on our website so readers can have some great content. We are starting with our Why St. Anthony’s stories from our Facebook page.…

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Ten Benefits Hospice and Palliative Care Provide During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Providing care where patients call home is what hospice is all about. With social distancing being the new normal, why should you let hospice or palliative clinicians into your home…

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