What's New

Hospice & Palliative Care Videos

Our Business Development Coordinator, Riley Hamilton, made a couple of videos for a recent virtual health fair we participated in. We wanted to share her videos with all of you!…

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Why St. Anthony’s- Grief

Instead of the normal Why St. Anthony’s post, we wanted to talk a little bit about grief, especially with the pandemic still in full force. Grieving is a natural part…

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Hospice Is…

Hospice is… Hospice is about quality of life, not death. Hospice is about keeping your dignity, even after you’ve passed away. Hospice is support and extra help when the patient…

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Why St. Anthony’s- Taylor Vernam

We’re adding another installment of “Why St. Anthony’s” to our website!  Taylor Vernam has kindly shared the story of her grandmother, Priscilla Vernam and her grandmother’s sister, Linda Abell; both…

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Why St. Anthony’s- Amy Hanley

We’re digging through our vault to bring back another edition of Why St. Anthony’s. Today’s post comes from August 9, 2019 and was submitted by our Lucy Smith King Care…

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