Types of Volunteers

Volunteers are an integral part of St. Anthony’s Hospice. Volunteers provide necessary social contact both for the patient and for his/her caregiver. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for St. Anthony’s Hospice, please fill out our application. Please see below for the ways you can volunteer.

  • Direct Contact
    • Respite at patient’s home, relief for caregiver to attend appointments, run errands or just take a break while volunteer sits with patient
    • Patient Companion. Visit with patient in home, nursing home, assisted living facility or at Lucy Smith King Care Center
    • Both the Respite and Companion Volunteer bond with the patient and family through listening to their stories of life, family, work, hobbies and values.
      • Volunteer activities might include reading to the patient, sharing a prayer or just sitting quietly being present with the patient.
    • 11th Hour Volunteer, advanced training provided. Some patients in nursing home may not have family or anyone local, volunteers rotate times sitting with imminent patient.
      • Goal: No one should die alone.
    • Lucy Smith King Care Center: Assist staff in evenings and weekends by being at desk answering phone, greeting visitors, interacting with patients and families as needed.
    • Bereavement phone contacts as requested by team
  • Special Events
    • Children Bereavement Camps: Big Buddy, Crafts, Fishing, Kitchen help, Set-up and Clean-up, Camp Nurse
    • Volunteer for special Bereavement Gatherings, Holiday Hope, Adult Retreat
    • Assistance at various events such as Senior Citizen Health Fair, Veteran Recognition Service and other community outreach events
  • In-Direct Tasks
    • Clerical assistance, assemble booklets, make copies, answer phone
    • Organize supplies and rotate stock
    • Data Entry
    • Prepare mailings as needed
    • Light cleaning in office
    • Routine weekly tasks assigned by staff
    • Group tasks such as package gloves and other items for patient care
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry
    • Crochet or knit Prayer Shawls and make other items including hats, scarves, dish towels and prayer cloths.
    • Various shawl patterns are created including red, white & blue shawls presented by our chaplain during a special Veteran’s Pinning Ceremony for patients who served in military.
  • Baked with Love
    • Provide baked goods, donate individually wrapped snacks for families visiting at Lucy Smith King Care Center
    • Prepare meal for Bereavement Support Group gatherings
    • Provide baked goods, snack items for Children Bereavement Camps, Adult Retreat and various other gatherings
    • Meal preparation for families as requested
  • Skilled Volunteer Services
    • Assist with building wheelchair ramp when requested
    • Haircut for homebound, bedbound patients, current license required
    • Sharing of music, instrumental talents
    • Light maintenance projects in home