What's New

Common Myths About Hospice

Choosing hospice care can be a difficult decision, especially with all the misconceptions surrounding the service. As a result, many who need quality pain and symptom control, as well as…

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End of Life Patients Reported Happier at Home

By now you’ve seen all the times we’ve said “hospice and palliative care can help improve quality of life” or “hospice and palliative care helps keep patients where they want…

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Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month

In addition to February being Heart Disease Awareness Month, its also Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness Month. A very common condition, Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of…

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Why Choose Hospice Care?

Family caregivers are most reluctant to choose, or even discuss hospice care. Nobody wants to think about losing a loved one; which makes the topic of “hospice care” so difficult…

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February is Heart Disease Awareness Month

We all have a special woman in our life- mom, grandma, great grandma, aunt, cousin, sister, wife, fiancée, girlfriend, daughter, step-daughter, friend, etc. We want them to be healthy, feel…

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