What's New

Healthcare Decisions Day 2021

For over 10 years, the day after Tax Day is National Healthcare Decisions Day. After getting your taxes filed, it’s usually a good idea to discuss the wishes of your…

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What is Palliative Care?

You can make a referral to palliative or hospice care by calling (270) 826-2326 or filling out this online form.

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Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease (or CKD) refers to lasting kidney damage that progressively worsens over time and all 5 stages of kidney damage. These stages range from very mild (stage 1)…

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Will Hospice Discontinue My Prescriptions?

One of the most common myths we hear is “hospice care takes away all your medicines!” This couldn’t be farther from the truth! When a patient is enrolled in hospice…

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When Enough Is Enough

Have  you ever paid attention to how your provider talks about treatments and how much like war-talk there is? Really think about it… “We’re going to win this battle with…

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