What's New

Myth: Hospice Hastens Death

“Hospice hastens death” or “Hospice rushes death”. This myth could not be farther from the truth! While the main purpose of hospice care is neither to prolong life nor hasten…

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Palliative and Hospice Care Interdisciplinary Team

Hospice care treats the 5 types of pain- physical, psychological, financial, spiritual, and social- through an interdisciplinary team approach. St. Anthony’s Hospice knows pain! We surround each hospice and palliative…

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Grief comes in all shapes, sizes, feelings, etc. No two people grieve the same, and it’s a very tricky subject to maneuver around.  When a loved one passes away, it…

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Hospice Demystified

One of the most common questions we hear is “did we call you to soon?” No! The sooner after a serious illness diagnosis you call St. Anthony’s Hospice, the more…

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Liver Disease and Failure

The liver is an organ in the body that is essential for detoxing the blood, production of bile, certain proteins for blood plasma, cholesterol to help carry fats through the…

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