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How the Hospice Interdisciplinary Team Surrounds Patients

Hospice care focuses on quality of life. It is a specialized program of care designed to support patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families. Hospice care encompasses palliative care which…

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Lucy Smith King Care Center vs. Business Office

A lot of people confuse our business office and our Lucy Smith King Care Center so we wanted to jump on and clarify a bit of information. Both are owned…

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Myth: Your Physician Decides on Your Hospice Referral

“The only way I can get a hospice referral is if my doctor makes it.” “My doctor will outright tell me when I need hospice care.” FALSE! St. Anthony’s encourages…

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Palliative Care- Myth vs. Fact

What is Palliative Care? How is it different from Hospice Care? While both provide effective symptom management during the patient’s serious illness and the goal of both is to keep…

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Definition of Hospice

“Hospice is a comprehensive, holistic program of care and support for terminally ill patients and their families. Hospice care changes the focus to comfort care (palliative care) for pain relief…

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