What's New

Preventing Bed Sores & Rashes in the Elderly

As we age, our skin loses elasticity, becomes thinner, and dries out. All of these make it easier to damage skin in the elderly through improper cleaning, pressure sores, and…

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How to Prepare for Death

The majority of people are so afraid of death that they are unprepared for their own death, and the deaths of loved ones. Most people don’t know how to even…

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The Difference in Hospice and Nursing Homes

Having a loved one who needs extra care can be difficult, especially when it comes to exploring all the options available. Whether for you or a loved one, you want…

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The Benefits of Hospice Care

“We wish we had hospice sooner!” “I didn’t realize hospice care was so much help, not only for dad but for us!” When facing a serious illness, there may come…

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Quality of Life Matters- Seriously Ill Patients Want to be Heard

St. Anthony’s Hospice is fortunate to receive a very informative quarterly newsletter entitled “Quality of Life Matters.” This latest publication has an article titled “Seriously Ill Patients Want Most to…

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