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Why St. Anthony’s

Why St. Anthony’s- Tina Eckels

Adding another Why St. Anthony’s story to our website today. This one features our Director of Nursing, Tina Eckels.

“My hospice journey began when I was just 17 years old. I had never before heard of Hospice and obviously knew nothing about the concept of Hospice. I was first introduced to Hospice while still in high school when I heard a Hospice Nurse give a talk about hospice care and what she did for the patients and families she cared for on a daily basis. I was so moved and energized by what I was hearing that I said to myself ‘I want to do that. I want to be part of that kind of caring.’ I never let go of that and have now been with St. Anthony’s for over 17 years.

I can remember caring for a woman in her late 50’s who was dying of lung cancer. While making a routine visit to her house it was apparent that she was quickly declining. Her daughter was in the living room sitting beside her mother’s hospital bed and I could tell she was having a difficult time. I said to her ‘What can I do for YOU?’ She told me that she wished she could lay with her mother and hold her the way her mother used to hold her when she was a child. I told her she absolutely could and we repositioned her mother in the bed and she climbed in the bed with her mother and help her and told her how much she loved her. Her mother died just a few days later.

About 5 years later that same daughter came up to me in the grocery store and thanked me for the care that St. Anthony’s provided to her mother and for allowing her to do what she needed to do most. She said she will always have that memory of being able to have those last few hours with her mother, just the two of them. That is what Hospice is all about! Allowing people to die with love and dignity in the place of their choosing, the way they want it to be.”

If you or a loved one is in need of the expert care hospice or palliative can provide, please call us at (270) 826-2326 or visit our website at

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Why St. Anthony’s- Lisa Burke

We are continuing adding our past Why St. Anthony’s posts here to our website blog. Today’s, from the Why St. Anthony’s vault is from Lisa Burke.

“I worked at St. Anthony’s Hospice for 25 years. I love the mission of hospice and the personnel who have cared for our patient’s through the years.  St. Anthony’s has cared for my dad, mother-in-law, and father-in-law. It was such a comfort knowing I had someone to call at any time if I had questions or concerns. The staff was quick to respond and to go above and beyond to care for my loved ones. I feel proud to be part of such a wonderful agency. My hope is that I can give comfort to our patient’s and family’s as it was given to me during my time of need.

A more specific story, my dad was with St. Anthony’s care for about three months when he had a serious stroke that ultimately took his life. I was able to ask my dad if he wanted to go to the hospital or stay at home. He chose to stay at home. It was obvious after that first night of his stroke that he wasn’t going to improve. Hospice provided Continuous Care which was such a blessing. They provided education and support as we cared for him in his final days. The nurse was present, which gave me an opportunity to rest a little. The education they provided gave me the confidence to provide the necessary care for my dad. Just knowing I had someone to call at any time if I had questions or concerns was such a blessing. I will always be grateful to the staff members who assisted my family in the time of our greatest need. So, I can confidently say to families who wonder if hospice is right for them, a definite yes!”

If you or a loved one is in need of the help that St. Anthony’s Hospice can provide, please give us a call at (270) 826-2326 or visit our website at

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Why St. Anthony’s- Grief

Instead of the normal Why St. Anthony’s post, we wanted to talk a little bit about grief, especially with the pandemic still in full force.

Grieving is a natural part of life and at St. Anthony’s Hospice, we can help you along the way. St. Anthony’s offers monthly grief groups, child and adult grief counseling, grief support classes, and  Although the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown a wrench in our monthly grief support groups, our Bereavement Coordinator is still assisting people in their own homes. Unfortunately, our wee, kids, and adult camps are all cancelled due to the pandemic, but we normally have bereavement camps during different times of the year.

If you or a loved one needs hospice or palliative care, or needs help coping with the loss of a loved one, please call our office at (270) 826-2326. One of the best things about hospice care is the care isn’t only for the patient, it helps the family/caregiver as well! St. Anthony’s bereavement support continues for 15 months after your loved one passes away. Just another few reasons “Why St. Anthony’s” provides the best end of life care for patients and families.

Grief in Children [Infographic] | Crosswinds Counseling

Source listed on image.

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Why St. Anthony’s- Taylor Vernam

We’re adding another installment of “Why St. Anthony’s” to our website!  Taylor Vernam has kindly shared the story of her grandmother, Priscilla Vernam and her grandmother’s sister, Linda Abell; both who passed away with St. Anthony’s care.

“Why St. Anthony’s?” is unfortunately one of the easiest questions for our family to answer. I had always heard great things about St. Anthony’s Hospice and the Lucy Smith King Care Center but never thought I would experience it firsthand with loved ones… twice… in the same year. February 9, 2018 began our first of two experiences at the Lucy Smith King Care Center with my grandmother, Priscilla. After being diagnosed with cancer, only 9 days prior to being admitted, the next 9 days became the longest. My mom and I were told the worst news we had ever heard on February 18, at 3:52 a.m. “I’m sorry ladies, but she has passed.” Fast forwarding to July 2, Linda, my grandmother’s sister, became a patient in the care center after also being diagnosed with cancer. After being there in February and having a great experience with the staff, we as a family were at ease knowing that another family member was going to be well taken care of. At this point we knew the staff, the rooms, and the family room all too well; they even remembered all of us as we entered the unit. July 5 at 1:05 a.m., it became a nightmare that none of us could believe was happening again. Two nurses and two aide’s stood around us as we heard the terrible news again. I can distinctly remember everything about those two early mornings, but that isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when I speak of our loved ones’ time under the care of St. Anthony’s. What I think about is the heartfelt care and compassion that each staff member had for my grandmother, aunt, myself and our family. From the referral process to the memorial leaf hanging in the care center, every nurse, aide, volunteer, etc., has been nothing short of wonderful and concerned for our grieving. I truly cannot thank St. Anthony’s Hospice enough for what they have done for our family.”

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Why St. Anthony’s- Amy Hanley

We’re digging through our vault to bring back another edition of Why St. Anthony’s. Today’s post comes from August 9, 2019 and was submitted by our Lucy Smith King Care Center Administrative/Assistant/Unit Secretary, Amy Hanley.

“Caring for and loving people when they need it most has always been a part of who I am. My current position with St. Anthony’s Hospice presented itself to me in August 2017. Without hesitation, I immediately applied and prayed that this was where I was meant to be. I love to love people. I love to comfort others when there is a need. And this organization exemplifies just that and so much more. People often ask us “how do you do it everyday? How do you work around such sadness?” St. Anthony’s Hospice is about so much more than the sadness, sickness, death, and dying. To me, the answer is simple… I get to work in a place that is filled with so much compassion, selflessness, kindness, and love everyday. I leave my job everyday feeling so fulfilled, knowing that we have gone above and beyond to treat patients and their families with the same compassion and dignity that we would all want for our own loved ones and families, not because we have to, but because that’s who we are as people and an organization, and what we believe in and stand for. The best part of my job is doing what I love and loving what I do everyday. They say it’s a beautiful thing when a career and a passion come together, and I am so blessed and thankful that it has for me.”

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Why St. Anthony’s- Brittany Major

We are adding another Why St. Anthony’s story to our website. Today we are revisiting the story from Brittany Major, who was kind enough to share the story of her great grandmother, Bea Chandler. Brittany was kind enough to provide the photos in the post.

“March 15th, 2013 was a day everything changed. My great grandmother, Bea, fell at home while I was taking my grandmother to get groceries. Mammaw was 92 and very self-sufficient to be her age. She lived with my grandmother. I received a phone call coming home from the store that she had fallen. Once we got her to the hospital in Madisonville, she was life-flighted to St. Mary’s STICU with a broken C1-3. She was not a surgical candidate and was then sent to do therapy in Madisonville. March 23 she was sent to the Lucy Smith King Care Center after we found out she could no longer swallow and was aspirating every time she tried. The nurses and staff there made her feel welcome. They made her comfortable. They made us feel comfortable. March 27th at 5:02pm my world stopped. My grandmother, my aunts, and I were in the room when I noticed she wasn’t breathing. The nurse came in and listened for a heart beat and then said “Ladies, I am so sorry but she is gone.” If the nurse aide wasn’t standing behind me, I would have been on the floor. She caught me and let me lay back on her and cry. She held me tight and let me grieve. The staff took such wonderful care of her. I couldn’t have asked to have better, more caring people taking care of her in her last few days on earth. I’ll forever be thankful for the Lucy Smith King Center.”

If you have a loved one who is struggling and could benefit from some extra help, please call us to see what we can do for you (270) 826-2326.

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Why St. Anthony’s- Janie Miller, RN

Today we are adding another Why St. Anthony’s post from our Facebook feed to our blog. This time it comes from one of our Lucy Smith King Care Center RNs, Janie Miller. The picture to accompany the story comes from Janie and it is her and her mom, Connie.

“Sitting in room 5 praying that one of the most important people to me wouldn’t suffer at the end. The lady that was brought from Louisville to the Lucy Smith King Care Center to live the remainder of her time, wasn’t my biological mother but was my mom and raised me as her own. Her name was Connie Brockett. In the early morning hours of November 3, 2012, I watched as the nurses and aides at the Lucy smith King Care Center compassionately made my mom as comfortable as they could. It was hard to accept that time with her was coming to an end. I thank the Lord every day that she was able to be moved back here from Louisville so that more of the family could be with her. The Care Center staff was wonderful with mom and with us. I was in nursing school when I lost her but I held a picture of us in my shirt pocket on every test and through every skill to remind myself that she was with me. While going through nursing school, we had to complete our portfolio and my long term goal in my portfolio was to become a hospice nurse so that I could help others like the nurses that helped me make it through one of the toughest times in my life. Over three and a half years ago I was preparing for a nursing interview with St. Anthony’s. It was the night before my interview and I was getting my portfolio cleaned up. As I turned through the pages, staring back at me was my long term goal of becoming a hospice nurse. So today I am proud to say that I have been with St. Anthony’s Hospice over 3 years and this is my family! Since that time I have had a grandfather, Allan Householder, who was under St. Anthony’s care and was fortunate enough to pass peacefully at home with the help of our nurses and aides. He passed away early in the morning and the nurse came and sat with us until after the funeral home came to pick him up. I can not thank St. Anthony’s enough for what they have given me!”

If you haven’t already, please like us on Facebook @stanthonyshospice and follow us on Instagram @stanthonyshospice. Please be sure to follow our social media and website blog and calendar for updates.

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Why St. Anthony’s- Jean Martin

We are working to build our blog on our website so readers can have some great content. We are starting with our Why St. Anthony’s stories from our Facebook page. Please “like” us on Facebook @stanthonyshospice and “follow” us on Instagram @stanthonyshospice.

We are starting a new campaign called “Why St. Anthony’s” where every Friday we are sharing a story from someone in the community and our staff members about why they chose St. Anthony’s Hospice to care for their loved one and/or why they chose to work for St. Anthony’s.

From July 19, 2019- We are kicking off our Why St. Anthony’s stories with some kind words from Amy Brady about us providing care to her mom, Norma Jean Martin: “St Anthony’s Hospice provided at-home assistance to my mom which in turn helped our family. The visits, assistance with bathing, medication checks, chaplain visits, social work visits, etc. gave us peace of mind that she was receiving proper care in the comfort and safety of her own home. When moms condition continued to decline to the point where she needed more assistance and care than I could help with, St Anthony’s Hospice arranged for her transfer to the care center. The warm environment of the care center and the attentive, caring staff made a heart-wrenching, stressful, life-changing event easier. We knew that mom was receiving the proper attention and that the staff understood not only what mom was going through but also what the family was going through.”

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