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Letter from the Executive Director re: COVID-19

As an organization dedicated to providing outstanding end-of-life care, our uncompromising priority right now at St. Anthony’s Hospice is protecting those in our care and our team members from exposure to coronavirus COVID-19. We know that our patient population is among those at risk to the effects of the illness, and we understand that our patients and families may have fears and concerns.

Here’s what we have done in preparation for COVID-19 and continue to do to prevent the spread of infection across our community.

  • We are strictly following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, the Kentucky Department of Health, and local government leaders and health departments.  We are monitoring daily changes in county-level activities as well as federal expertise and recommendations.
  • Our clinical and leadership teams are practicing exceptional hand hygiene and have increased our disinfecting processes. We currently have the hand hygiene, disinfectant, and personal protective equipment supplies that we need.
  • Our team is being monitored for illness so that individuals who may be ill are not coming to work. We are supporting employees who need time away from work due to illness.
  • We are adhering to changing clinical protocols at long-term care facilities and hospitals. We are engaged with our healthcare partners and actively participating in their initiatives to reduce the risk of infection at their locations, especially when we are caring for patients in those facilities receiving hospice or palliative care.
  • We are educating patients and families receiving care in their homes. During home visits, our clinical teams are sharing information with families about prevention, screening and signs and symptoms. We are advising families to screen visitors to their homes.
  • We have suspended routine volunteer activities.

The CDC has provided excellent guidance on preventative measures for older adults and at-risk populations, which St. Anthony’s Hospice will follow and share with patients and families. We recommend all Kentuckians with questions and concerns follow the definitive sources for information nationally and locally for COVID-19 updates:

The Centers for Disease Control

The Kentucky Department of Health

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COVID-19 Updates

Hi Everyone!

We know there’s a lot of information out about COVID-19 (or coronavirus) and we wanted to give you all some facts. St. Anthony’s Hospice is still providing patient care and taking the appropriate precautions. Please note that all of this information is directly from the CDC and WHO websites.

  • What is coronavirus disease (COVID-19)? Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that spreads from person to person; it is a “novel coronavirus” that was first identified due to an outbreak in Wuhan, China.
  • How does COVID-19 spread? The virus that causes coronavirus likely emerged from an animal source but the disease is now being spread from person-to-person. It is mainly being spread from people in close contact (within 6 feet from each other or less) and through respiratory droplets produced when a person coughs and/or sneezes. It is also possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth; this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.
  • What are the symptoms of COVID-19? Fever, cough, shortness of breath are the main symptoms of this virus. These symptoms can appear 2-14 days after exposure. Seek medical attention immediately IF you have difficulty breathing/shortness of breath, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, or if your lips/face turn a bluish color. Some severe complications of this virus include pneumonia in both lungs, multi-organ failure, and even death. If you are experiencing mild symptoms, please stay home and away from other family members, friends, and pets.
  • How do I protect myself and loved ones? The best thing to do is to practice proper hand hygiene! Wash your hands with soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol properly disinfects yourself. Also, disinfect high-traffic surfaces, practice social isolation, and cough/sneeze into a tissue or your elbow and wash your hands after.
  • But the media says everyone is dying? Those at higher risk for severe complications include older adults and those with serious chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease. Unfortunately, this is the population most at-risk for death from COVID-19. However, anyone of any age can contract the virus. Fortunately, the death rate in the United States is low.
  • If I wear a mask, is there a lower chance of me contracting the virus? Masks are most effective when someone infected with COVID-19 wears them or a healthcare professional wears them while caring for someone infected with or potentially infected with COVID-19. Please save the masks and respirators for the sick and the professionals caring for the sick. The general population does not properly wear and/or dispose the masks.
  • Can my pet get this? Or can I get this from my pet? While the virus is thought to have been contracted from an animal, currently there are no cases of people contracting the virus from their pet or passing the virus to their pet. However, please wash your hands after playing with or picking up after your pet(s) and avoid touching your face. If you are experiencing symptoms, please quarantine yourself away from pets, to avoid potentially spreading this virus to your pet.

St. Anthony’s Hospice is still caring for the seriously ill. Our clinicians are more than happy to go into patient homes, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, etc. and care for them, even in this pandemic. We are taking all precautions to ensure our patients and staff do not contract this virus. All potential patients will be screened by our admissions team and all visitors to the Lucy Smith King Care Center will be screened prior to visiting their loved one.

If you have any questions for us during this pandemic or if you have a patient that needs our help, please do not hesitate to call- (270) 826-2326.

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