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Serious Illnesses and COVID-19

As we continue into month 7(ish) of the COVID-19 pandemic, this virus continues lead the news, social media, talk shows, and our daily thoughts and actions. We’ve all adopted new actions and phrases in our daily lives such as wearing a mask and “social distancing” and “hotspots”, to name a few.

We are all pros at checking for symptoms of the virus- fever of 100.4°F or higher, cough, shortness of breath and/or difficulty breathing, sudden loss of taste or smell, muscle/body aches, nausea or vomiting or diarrhea, etc. Sadly, what has not changed is the numerous individuals still facing serious illnesses.

Serious Illness and COVID-19

Serious illnesses include, but are not limited to, COPD, heart disease, dementia, Parkinson’s, CHF, MS, diabetes, cirrhosis, kidney disease, and others. These illnesses require access to medical providers and treatment, even during a pandemic. At the beginning of the pandemic, these treatment options were difficult to come by. Now treatment options are becoming easier to obtain, but there are more ways to access your treatment possibilities.

Hospitals and treatment centers have new policies and procedures for patient appointments and visitors. Many Skilled Nursing Facilities and Assisted Living Facilities are prohibiting visitors and additional healthcare providers entirely, except when a patient is on hospice or end of life care.

Some over the counter medications and household essentials are in short supply, creating anxiety and panic to many. This means many necessary household supplies may be difficult to find and/or maintain.

Caring for Your Serious Illness

COVID-19 seems to be the highest priority for all healthcare providers. However, you still are facing a serious illness, even in a pandemic. With all the new policies in place, how do healthcare providers provide proper care to those with serious illnesses? With the pandemic still in full swing, there is no single, easy answer. Here are some simple approaches one can take to ease some difficult situations.

Plan for the uncertain times.

We don’t know how much longer the pandemic will last. We all need to plan for the uncertainty, especially those with serious illnesses. Don’t wait until the last minute to refill medications or contact your physician if there is an issue.

Remain obedient with your treatments.

Compliance is key!  Don’t forget to take your usual medications or forgo treatments. This sounds so simple but it’s so effective.

Stick to easy but efficient treatment methods.

Sometimes the simplest methods are the most efficient. Be sure you get around 8 hours of sleep each night. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day (a 160lb person should get at least 80oz of water). Try to reduce stress in a healthy way- read a book, take a walk, disconnect from social media occasionally, and disconnect from the constant COVID-19 news coverage.

Follow CDC guidelines.

The most effective ways in keeping yourself safe from COVID-19! Wear your mask over your nose and mouth. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based sanitizer when your hands are not visibly dirty. Clean regularly touched surfaces in your home and car, including your phone, with alcohol-based or bleach-based cleanser. Stay home if you exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms or just feel ill in general.

I have a Serious Illness and Need Extra Care. What are my options?

In addition to keeping up treatments and medications, St. Anthony’s Palliative Care is a great option! The biggest benefit to palliative care is the extra support. Palliative Care allows patients to continue aggressive treatments, avoid repeat hospitalizations, and remain in their home. St. Anthony’s Palliative Care comes to you- no additional clinics or appointments to go to.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a serious illness, give St. Anthony’s a call at (270) 826-2326 to see how we can help you.



Images from google search. Information 

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Socially-Distanced Hug

We’re still in the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic. Positive cases are on the rise and the country is opening back up to our new “normal”. We understand times are hard but we want to send everyone a socially-distanced hug! We also want to let you know that we are still accepting patients for hospice and palliative care. If you or a loved one needs some extra care in the home and to help keep them out of the hospital, please call us at (270) 826-2326 or visit our website-

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Green for Compassion

Unfortunately COVID-19 is still in full force, which means more positive cases and unfortunately, more lives lost. If you drive by our office after dark, you’ll see our lobby lit with green lights to honor those lost due to this horrible virus. Green is the color of compassion. We are not only honoring the lives lost, but honoring those who are newly diagnosed or who have beaten this virus. As our Governor says, “We will get through this. We will get through this together.” 💚 Governor Andy Beshear

As of June 3, 2020 the state of Kentucky has tested 258,767 patients with 10,410 positive tests. We have lost 450 people to COVID-19 and 3,283 people have recovered.(

Photo credit- Skylar Mars

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5 Tips for Managing Grief and Fear with Coronavirus

One of our Chaplains, Thomas Emerson, forwarded an amazing article to all of us once the Coronavirus pandemic began. We wanted to share this on our website for all to see! In this crazy time, these grief tips can apply to any difficult situation that may arise.

“The world is different. Life has changed.

The coronavirus struck silently and quickly. The ripple effects began immediately and morphed into the current tsunami that we are now trying to manage. Every day, we wake up to a different scenario. The speed of it all is overwhelming.

This unseen threat can catapult our hearts into anxiety and terror. No matter how you stack it, the current world health crisis adds up to loss for all of us.

Loss of perceived control.

Financial loss.

Loss of a sense of safety and security.

Loss of routine and daily life as we knew it.

Loss, loss, and more loss. We can feel small, overwhelmed, and outmatched.

Our hearts are our most prized possession. Our hearts are the guts of who we are. Now, more than ever, we need to guard our hearts from outside threats and dangers. How we think about this current and unforeseen challenge matters more than any of us realizes.

5 Crucial Tips for Managing this Crisis

Here are five tips for guarding your heart and your emotional well-being during this current crisis.

Practice breathing deeply.
Deep breathing (in through your nose and out through your mouth) is the easiest and most immediate weapon in your arsenal to battle uncertainty, fear, and anxiety.

In terms of emotional infection control, deep breathing is similar to washing your hands. In order to be effective, it must be practiced regularly. We must make it a habit.

Start and end your day by taking a few moments to breathe deeply. Imagine yourself breathing in peace and then exhaling fear, worry, and distress. When you find yourself fearful or anxious during the day, take a moment to breathe (again, in through the nose and out through the mouth). Picture yourself in a safe place. Peace in. Fear and anxiety out.

2. Respond rather than react.

With each new bit of news, our minds race and our hearts react. We have “emotional reflexes” that are immediate and powerful.

Rather than being hijacked by this initial flood of thoughts and feelings, take a moment, breathe deeply, and let these thoughts and feelings pass on through. Acknowledge them and then release them.

Now, rather than reacting and being at the whim of whatever happens next, you can choose how you are personally going to respond.

It’s easy to get derailed and spend all our time watching the latest updates. Knowledge and awareness are huge, but there comes a tipping point for each of us when more information ceases to be helpful. We can become obsessed with things beyond our control, which only stokes our anxiety and inflames our fears.

We all have things to do. Focus on them, one by one. Work. Cleaning. Laundry. Relationships. Pets. Stay in the present. One thing, one moment at a time.

3. Act for the greater good.

What does this look like?

It means following the guidelines laid down for us by our health experts and elected officials. There are people out there working around the clock to protect us and see us through this. We can stand with them against this virus by courageously and humbly acting for the greater good – even if it’s personally uncomfortable and costly.

We might be divided politically, but now is a time when we must come together. No matter what we might think about who is in office and where, if each of us acts for the greater good – thinking about those around us – we will get through this better overall.

Just as in all of life, we must confront our own arrogance (“It’s all about me and what I think and want”) and pursue humility and love (“It’s about all of us because we’re in this together”).

4. Do and say things that promote peace.

With activities restricted and our routines in tatters, it’s easy to spew our discontent and frustration on social media and in other ways. Though each of us needs to take what’s happening inside us seriously, now is a time to constrain what we want to say in favor of speaking for the greater good.

We all need places to vent. Please make sure you have some avenues where you can “let it out” without fear of judgment. Venting publicly online, however, will most likely not serve you or anyone else well.

Our words have power. Now is the time to think of each other first and speak words that are helpful and that promote peace.

Yes, this is hard. Yes, we can do this.

5. Keep your eyes on the bigger picture.

Life is about relationships. Isolation is painful and debilitating. In our world, thankfully we have multiple ways to stay connected, even if we can’t be physically present.

Life is about love and service. Life is about living for the good of those around us. Love involves sacrifice. It’s a bit ironic. In order to live from our hearts and love others, we must “get out of our own heads.”

It can feel like life is shrinking. Don’t let circumstances shrink your heart. Find ways to live with purpose and meaning, even if you’re confined and restricted.

Keep your eyes on the larger story. Refuse to shrink. You are more important than you know.

Remember that love always wins.

If we put the above into a set of affirmations, it would be something like this:

I will practice breathing deeply.

I will respond rather than react.

I will act for the greater good.

I will do and say things that promote peace.

I will keep my eyes on the bigger picture.

We will get through this – together. It’s going to take all of us. We need you.

Love will win. It always does.

Question: Has the coronavirus situation affected your emotional well-being or grief process? How so?”

If you or a loved one is in need of bereavement counseling, hospice care, or palliative care, please call us at (270) 826-2326.


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Prevent Catching & Spreading Coronavirus

Since life is beginning to return to a new normal, we wanted to share a little graphic to help keep you safe from Coronavirus. This graphic highlights the ways one can prevent catching and prevent spreading Coronavirus.

Coronavirus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. This means that the virus spreads between people who are in close contact to one another (within 6ft), through respiratory droplets that are produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, and the virus can spread even when the carrier is asymptomatic. The number one way to prevent spreading the virus is to not catch it. However, this is rather difficult when an infected person may not show symptoms usually 2-14 days after exposure. Be on the lookout if symptoms develop. The main symptoms of Coronavirus include a fever over 101°F, dry cough, shortness or breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea.

Please wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, wear a cloth mask when in public to contain your personal droplets, cover your coughs and sneezes, and keep practicing social distancing!

Source listed on graphic. Information about Coronavirus is from

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Faces of St. Anthony’s Hospice

Today, we wanted to feature our AMAZING volunteers and staff! Our volunteers have been working behind the scenes during this pandemic to protect our clinicians & patients and to add some TLC to our benches at the Lucy Smith King Care Center! We couldn’t do what we do without such an integral part of the St. Anthony’s Hospice family. As of April 8th, our volunteers have made a whopping 458 masks! These masks have been divided between our business office, Lucy Smith King Care Center, and Redbanks Colonial Terrace! A special thank you to our volunteers, the unsung heroes

This post features some of the clinical faces you see caring for patients and our volunteers making the masks.


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Cloth Face Coverings & Masks

Many people are following the CDC recommendations when it comes to wearing cloth face masks and face coverings. The cloth masks are intended for the person wearing it to keep their germs to his or herself, not protection for the wearer. With the new data on how COVID-19 spreads, the CDC is recommending that people wear a cloth face mask or cloth face covering when out in public, especially when one might be in close proximity to another person. The CDC still recommends that we stay at least 6 ft from another person when in public. The face masks and coverings are not a substitute for social distancing; rather they are a small way to keep more of your germs to yourself. Since COVID-19 can be asymptomatic for 2-14 days, it is important to take all precautions to protect yourself and others from this virus (social distancing for you, masks for others). The CDC recommends all persons wear a cloth mask or face covering except those younger than age 2, anyone who typically has trouble breathing, an unconscious person, or a person who is unable to remove the mask without assistance.

Please note that the face masks are a recommendation intended to prevent the spread of the virus by keeping your germs to yourself. 

Also please note that surgical masks and N95 respirator masks are not being recommended for general public use. These masks are in short supply and are needed by those in the medical setting and first responders.

Please take a couple of minutes and read this pdf from the CDC on how to properly wear the masks to maximize effectiveness:


All information in this post is from the CDC website: and

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Ten Benefits Hospice and Palliative Care Provide During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Providing care where patients call home is what hospice is all about. With social distancing being the new normal, why should you let hospice or palliative clinicians into your home to care for you?

Hospice and palliative care workers adapt to work in extreme conditions.
Hospice and palliative workers don’t get a break when we get an ice storm, tornado, or other natural disaster. Through emergency action plans, regular interdepartmental team meetings, and daily communication, our team is always communicating to determine the best course of action to care for patients.

Hospice and palliative care is provided wherever the patient calls home, meaning less exposure for the patient.
The goal of hospice and palliative care is to keep the patient in the home setting and out of the hospital. With expert care being provided in the home, pain and other symptoms are being properly managed. This is especially important during this pandemic.

Clinicians are expertly trained to provide necessary care while keeping patients safe.
Our hospice and palliative team members are specially trained in the prevention of exposure through current KY and CDC guidelines. Our clinicians have also been trained to avoid infectious disease transmission during normal and abnormal times. Currently, all staff are self-monitoring to ensure safety of employees and patients before the work day and are notifying their supervisor and staying home if exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.

The patient’s care team is only a phone call away and available to him/her 24/7.
While our nurses, aides, chaplains, social workers, and volunteers cannot be in the home with the patient all the time, they are only a phone call away should the need for a visit arise. If your loved one is exhibiting any symptoms or needs, give us a call at (270) 826-2326 and someone will assess the situation and make a visit- day or night, weekday, weekend, or even on holidays.

Chaplains provide necessary spiritual care.
With houses of worship closing their doors, many people are feeling lost and/or alone without their spiritual guidance. Our chaplains are still helping provide an extra layer of comfort and spiritual support to ensure you are where you want to be in that aspect of your life. Our chaplains never try to change your spiritual beliefs, rather they help you meet your needs.

Hospice and Palliative clinicians remain in contact with your physician.
Many physician and specialist offices are closing, converting to telehealth, or rescheduling numerous appointments during these hectic times. Our clinicians remain in contact with your physician to determine the best symptom management options for you to keep you at home and out of the hospital.

Social Workers can assist with advanced directives.
Patients in hospice and palliative care are often considered the most vulnerable patients, should they contract COVID-19. Having advanced directives such as a Living Will, Power of Attorney, or Five Wishes in place ensures that your wishes will be honored after your death. Legal jargon can be difficult to understand and it can also be difficult to begin the process. We have social workers that specialize in assisting you with these documents so your healthcare wishes will be honored and it will be easier on your family after your passing.

Hospice care includes bereavement services for your loved ones.
Not only does hospice care holistically treat the patient; grief support is offered to the family for 15 months after the patient passes away. We want to be sure the family is emotionally cared for and we provide grief camps, grief support groups, and grief counseling.

Our clinicians provide education to the patient and family.
Whether the patient and family needs education about the patient’s life-limiting disease or COVID-19, we can provide it! Our clinicians will provide in-home education on COVID-19 symptoms, transmission, testing, and treatments to ensure the patient and family remains safe.

Should the patient require additional care or the caregiver need a break, we have the Lucy Smith King Care Center.
Our community is fortunate to have an inpatient hospice facility, the Lucy Smith King Care Center. The facility is staffed 24/7 to provide acute care for symptoms that cannot be managed in the home setting. In addition to a higher level of care, we also provide respite care. Respite care is provided for up to 5 days in which the caregiver gets a break from caring for their loved one.

As we navigate through the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to keep up with accurate information. Please visit our webpage of frequently asked questions or the CDC website for updates and additional information.

If you are unsure if hospice or palliative care if appropriate for you or a loved one, take our short quiz.

Take Our Short Quiz
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Positivity in a Pandemic

With all the stress of social distancing and quarantine, we wanted to share some things that our staff members are doing to keep a bit of “normal” or “sanity” in their lives this week.

  • We have seen patients while wearing our new fancy masks; special thanks to our amazing volunteers for making them!
  • We have celebrated some pup birthdays and lots of dog and cat snuggles!
  • We are continuing to screen patients, visitors, and staff members for signs of COVID-19.
  • We are living by quotes and scripture verses we hold near our hearts.
  • We are homeschooling our kids and enjoying the sunshine!
  • We are collecting toilet paper to give to staff members and patients who are having difficulty finding any. Promise we are not only building forts 😉
  • We are having lunch with coworkers, from a safe distance.
  • We have volunteers helping us with many projects- including refinishing the benches outside the Lucy Smith King Care Center and adding some new flowers.
  • We made some little healthy kits with a comparison/contrast of COVID-19 vs. flu, hand sanitizer, tissue pack, and our card.
  • We are crafting, playing some social distancing cards, reading, and fishing in our spare time.
  • We are lighting up green for the lives lost to COVID-19.
  • We are looking forward to the 4pm daily Governor Andy Beshear briefings.

With all the things we are doing or have done, here’s some things we are not doing:

  • We are NOT letting this virus get our spirits down.
  • We are NOT living in fear of this virus, rather we are taking proper precautions to protect ourselves, our patients, our families, and our patient’s families.

We are so honored to be serving residents of Henderson, Union and Webster counties and are not going to let this virus get in the way of helping our patients. Thank you for allowing us to help you in critical times and after the passing of a loved one!

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How Can I Help in this Crisis?

A lot of things are different but still the same as last week- restaurants are closed except for carry-out (in most places), nobody can find toilet paper or bleach, people are working from home or even laid off, now all non-essential stores in KY are closing at the end of business today.
What can you do to help stop the spread of this virus? STAY HOME!! The more people that stay isolated, the faster the virus will stop spreading and we can go back to a more normal life. If you absolutely cannot stay home, please take precautions including staying at least 6 feet from another person, disinfecting surfaces, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, and please, please stay home if you are sick.
We all need to stick together during this time. And this time, sticking together means staying apart. We are going to see an increase in positive cases because of more people getting tested and the tests being easily accessible. Please educate yourselves and don’t live in fear! Don’t judge people based on ethnicity. Don’t buy up all the products- you WANT other people to wash their hands and disinfect their homes to prevent spreading this virus. Don’t let this virus break your spirit! Use this time to do some things you’ve been putting off like cleaning out your closet, bathe your pet, clean out the garage, meditate, learn that new hobby.
Please save the masks and gloves for those who are directly serving the sick- healthcare workers, first responders, and even grocery store employees. Please do your part to help those helping others by allowing them to have the supplies and staying home!
Current as of March 23, 2020 at 9 a.m. Eastern time

Kentucky Coronavirus Monitoring

Number Tested: 1866
Positive: 104Note: Data includes confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported to KDPH at 5:30 p.m. Eastern time daily. (data from

Graphic source on graphic.
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