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The Benefits of Hospice Care

“We wish we had hospice sooner!”

“I didn’t realize hospice care was so much help, not only for dad but for us!”

When facing a serious illness, there may come a time when a cure is no longer attainable, or goals may change from curative to comfort. This is when hospice care can help. When hearing the word “hospice”, many associate this with dying or simply giving up. The goals of hospice care are to improve quality of life for however long the patient has and allows the patient to preserve their dignity and independence.

What are the benefits of hospice care for patients?

Hospice care is specialized care for individuals and their families living with a life-limiting illness. It treats the person, rather than the disease, and focuses on improving quality of life. Traditional healthcare today focuses mainly on curing an illness, while hospice care focuses on treating the person. What if you were told there was nothing more that could be done? In hospice care, there is always more that can be done! Hospice care is compassionate. It focuses on comfort, dignity for the patient, and meaning. It’s not about counting the days you have left; it’s about making each day count.

Hospice care is provided wherever the patient calls home. This can be in their house, apartment, assisted living facility, nursing home, or our inpatient unit, the Lucy Smith King Care Center. Caring for a patient in his/her home allows the patient to be comfortable, surrounded by loved ones and familiar sights, and keeps him/her out of the hospital.

Another benefit of hospice care is that each patient is assigned an interdisciplinary team to support the patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. This interdisciplinary team consists of nurses, aides, social workers, chaplains, volunteers, and the hospice medical director/patient’s primary care physician. They all work in conjunction to meet the patient’s needs and treat the patient, rather than his/her disease.

St. Anthony’s Hospice also takes the time to recognize those who have served our country. We do a Veteran’s Pinning Ceremony to honor the patient’s service to our country. Each ceremony is performed by one of our chaplains and volunteers who are also Veterans. This ceremony is part of caring for the whole patient, as well as thanking a Veteran and their family for the sacrifices he/she has made for our freedom.

What are the benefits of hospice care for families?

Patients are not the only ones facing a terminal illness. Family and caregivers face it alongside the patient. St. Anthony’s Hospice helps families provide excellent care for their loved one by providing professionals who recognize the signs of pain and unmanaged symptoms and provide the necessary medical care to care for their loved one, without an unneeded trip to the emergency room or hospital.

Hospice care is covered 100% under Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurances.

Our nurses will fill pill planners, educate caregivers on how to administer medications, provide wound care, and educate on the disease process. Our aides will assist in bathing the patient, as well as any grooming or everyday needs the patient may have. Our chaplains and social workers will help you work through any stress or negative emotions you might have. Our social workers can even help with funeral arrangements and legal documents such as Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, Do Not Resuscitate orders, etc. We understand that caring for a seriously ill loved one is a full-time and extremely demanding job. That’s why we offer respite care! You can request a volunteer to come into the home and provide some respite for a couple hours, or request for your loved one to stay up to 5 days at the Lucy Smith King Care Center. Respite care is covered 100% under the patient’s Medicare hospice benefit. We also offer bereavement services that go on for 15 months after your loved one passes away. We do not abandon the family after your loved one passes.

We often hear how families wish they knew about the benefits of hospice care sooner. It’s never too early to call St. Anthony’s! If you would like to learn more or make a referral, please call us at (270) 826-2326 or make an online referral.