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Healthcare Decisions Day 2021

For over 10 years, the day after Tax Day is National Healthcare Decisions Day. After getting your taxes filed, it’s usually a good idea to discuss the wishes of your family. From April 2020-April 2021, these decisions have looked a little different and the way we have been living has been really changed. How many Americans look at advance directives has taken more of a profound meaning.

With the impacts of COVID-19, you never know what is going to happen. Remember last January and February before COVID became so widespread? We all had plans for 2020; some awesome resolutions, weddings, graduations, proms, homecomings, big birthday parties, vacations, and so much more. Then COVID hit and hit hard. All plans came to a screeching halt. Stay at home orders were invoked, along with mask mandates. Unfortunately, many Americans contracted COVID and some never recovered and passed away. Many of those people passed away without advance directives in place, which left family members trying to honor wishes that were not communicated.

Having advance directives is certainly not a new idea, but COVID did force everyone to look at what they want at the end of life and talk about their wishes with loved ones. There are huge benefits to the patient and family by having advance directives in place prior to hospitalization. These can include peace of mind for the patient because they know they will get their wishes honored and peace of mind for the family knowing they don’t have to guess or worry in this stressful time. After a loved one becomes chronically ill or unable to speak, these advance directives will come in handy! Your wishes will be crystal clear to medical professionals and loved ones.

St. Anthony’s Hospice and Palliative care helps patients get their wishes in order! Not only do we have copies of the 5 Wishes booklet to help you get started (for free), we can also help witness and notarize your documents, as well as help you get in contact with an estate attorney to draft the documents for you. We also honor end of life wishes by allowing the patient to be at home and ensuring all patients will have the highest quality of life and are able to die with dignity.

Call us today at (270) 826-2326 or make an online referral to see how hospice or palliative care can help you.