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Dying Wishes Matter

By now you’ve seen us say how hospice care helps the whole person, including their psychosocial health. This means that we honor your end of life wishes!

Need help with advance directives? We can help!
Need help with funeral plans? We can help!
Need help improving quality of life with a serious illness? That’s our specialty!

Having the end of life conversation with loved ones is never easy. However, studies have shown that having these conversations ensure you receive the kind of care you want when at the end of life. A living will or 5 Wishes can help loved ones know your wishes. Knowing where a loved one stands on whether or not they desire intubation, CPR, and if they have a designated healthcare proxy can all take a huge stressor off family when the end of a patient’s life is near.

St. Anthony’s Hospice can also help you have those difficult conversations with loved ones. Our clinicians know how to approach these sensitive topics and can answer any questions you or family members may have. We want everyone to be educated on his/her disease process and to receive exceptional care when traditional curative treatments are no longer attainable.

If you or a loved one is in need of the exceptional hospice or palliative care we provide, please call us at (270) 826-2326 or visit our online referral form.



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