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End of Life Choice

What does a hospital stay usually look like? A patient lying in a bed hooked up to an IV pump, sometimes oxygen, blood pressure cuff, oxygen monitor, and sometimes more. Nurses, aides, and physicians coming in and out of the patient’s room. IV pumps constantly beeping. All of this sounds like a very busy situation. What if you or a loved one finds yourself here, in the middle of all of it? Then, what if you or a loved one is told there is nothing more that can be done?

With hospice care, there is always more that can be done! Hospice care allows for the patient to be treated, rather than the disease. Hospice is about quality of life! St. Anthony’s treats the whole person, including the five types of pain: physical, social, psychological, financial, and spiritual. Hospice is about keeping the dignity of our patients, even after death. Hospice is support and help for the patient, caregiver, and family. Hospice is comfort for the patient in all definitions of the word.

Which do you prefer when you think about the end of your life?


Or this?

Photo Source: The Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath, and Death Facebook post- 1/28/2020