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COPD and Anxiety

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, is a “chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow to the lungs” (Mayo Clinic). COPD damage is irreversible but the condition is treatable. With proper symptom management, people living with COPD can attain a good quality of life and reduce the risk of developing other associated conditions. Some of the common symptoms of COPD include shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, a chronic cough that produces clear, white, yellow, or greenish mucus, frequent respiratory infections, lack of energy, unintentional weight loss, or swelling in legs, feet, and ankles (Mayo Clinic).

Its no surprise that patients with COPD who experience shortness of breath often experience anxiety. This creates an endless cycle of breathing difficulty, inability to breathe, panic, inability to breathe due to panic and anxiety. Understanding and managing anxiety is extra important for those living with COPD to help break this cycle.

Palliative & Hospice Care for COPD

COPD does have many management options- both pharmaceutical and not, it cannot be cured. It can be difficult for loved ones or caregivers to decide when to get additional care.

St. Anthony’s Palliative care is a great place to start when your loved one’s COPD is declining. We have a Nurse Practitioner, RN, and Social Worker who are an extra set of eyes and ears in the home to help manage symptoms and communicate with patient’s physician and/or specialist. Our Palliative Care team will visit in the patient’s home, cutting down on doctor and hospital visits.

When the patient’s condition declines and their physician expects they have 6 months left to live, the patient is eligible for the added benefits of hospice care. However, this does not mean the patient will only live for 6 months if on hospice care; only that the patient’s life expectancy is 6 months or less should the disease run its normal course.

Once admitted to hospice care, the patient is instantly surrounded by a team of experts who work together to care for the patient’s pain and symptoms and spiritual needs. Additionally, the patient and family receive much-needed emotional support.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about St. Anthony’s Hospice or Palliative Care or make a referral, please contact us at (270) 826-2326.
