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Happy National CNA Week!

June 18-25 is National CNA Week! Here at St. Anthony’s Hospice, we are blessed with the best CNAs! Our aides are there for our patients and help them and our nurses with so much. They are compassionate, caring, helpful, comforting, important, and amazing.

“If the job of a CNA was easy, there wouldn’t be a shortage of them. But there is. If the job of a CNA was just wiping butts, they wouldn’t know their patient’s favorite foods, or when they prefer coffee over tea, but they do. If the job of a CNA was insignificant, Supervisors and Charge Nurses wouldn’t rely on them to spot changes out of their “normal,” but they do. If the job of a CNA was to just get vitals, they would have time to sit down and talk with each patient for a good thirty minutes each shift, but they don’t. If the job of a CNA was to just show up and dress them, perform their assigned duties, then go home, they wouldn’t leave work in tears knowing one of our patients might not make it, but they do. If the job of a CNA was appreciated by their peers,colleagues, they wouldn’t feel as unvalidated, but it’s not.” (taken from Facebook posts)

Happy CNA Week to all the awesome CNAs out there!