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Make Yourself a Priority

Caregivers are the most amazing group of people. Many caregivers are unpaid and sacrifice so much in order to keep their patient/loved one comfortable and well taken care of.

Too often, caregivers don’t take time for themselves! This can lead to burnout, illness, anxiety, or an increase in unhealthy habits (drinking, etc.). Remember, take time for yourselves! You can’t care for someone else if you aren’t caring for yourself.

Some tips to avoid burnout include asking for help when you need it, focusing on your mental and physical health, taking some time to do something to treat yourself, and talking with others who are in the same situation as you.

If you need extra help in the home to keep your loved one healthy and out of the hospital, give us a call at (270) 826-2326 to see if hospice or palliative help is for you!