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What does Hospice Care look like?

What does hospice care look like? Hospice care is a holistic approach to care for the patient; meaning the patient is cared for in every way. Hospice care manages the five types of pain- physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and psychological and surrounds the patient with a team of experts in order to do so. Our interdepartmental team consists of our hospice medical directors, a nurse practitioner, nurses, nurse aides, social workers, chaplains, and volunteers who surround the patient to ensure all of their pain is taken care of.
Hospice looks like quality of life! Hospice looks like our Lucy Smith King Care Center, education, bereavement, volunteer work, hands-on nursing care, home, nurse aide care, spiritual care, and much more.
With COVID-19 still very much present, St. Anthony’s is still taking precautions by screening all employees and potential patients/families, wearing masks when outside of our individual offices, regularly disinfecting surfaces, hand washing and sanitizing, social distancing, and wearing masks when around patients and potential patients.
Share with us, what does hospice care look like to you? As always, if there is anything we can do to help you or a loved one please call us at (270) 826-2326 anytime!