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10 Signs its Time for Hospice

One of the most common hospice myths is “hospice should only be called in the last moments of life.” When in reality, the earlier hospice care is used, the more benefits that the patient and family receive. Hospice care can be called in once a terminal diagnosis has been given and the life expectancy (should the disease run it’s normal course) is 6 months or less. Pain and symptom management is more effective when delivered earlier in the disease process.

It is time to call hospice if your loved one is experiencing any of the symptoms below:

  • Repeat visits to the emergency room or hospital admissions
  • A decline in ability to perform daily tasks including but not limited to, eating, getting dressed, walking, or using the bathroom
  • An increase in falls
  • Changes to their mental abilities
  • Rapid weight loss without trying
  • Skin tears, infections, and other signs of deteriorating health

Your physician does not have to make the hospice referral! You or a loved one must be diagnosed with a terminal illness with six months or less to live, should the disease run its usual course. This does not mean that you or a loved one will die within the 6 month time frame- some patients live more than 6 months and some can even get better and get discharged from hospice care!

The number one complaint we hear from families is they wish they had called St. Anthony’s sooner!

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the 10 signs in the picture or the few above, call St. Anthony’s to see what we can do to help (270) 826-2326.