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Cloth Face Coverings & Masks

Many people are following the CDC recommendations when it comes to wearing cloth face masks and face coverings. The cloth masks are intended for the person wearing it to keep their germs to his or herself, not protection for the wearer. With the new data on how COVID-19 spreads, the CDC is recommending that people wear a cloth face mask or cloth face covering when out in public, especially when one might be in close proximity to another person. The CDC still recommends that we stay at least 6 ft from another person when in public. The face masks and coverings are not a substitute for social distancing; rather they are a small way to keep more of your germs to yourself. Since COVID-19 can be asymptomatic for 2-14 days, it is important to take all precautions to protect yourself and others from this virus (social distancing for you, masks for others). The CDC recommends all persons wear a cloth mask or face covering except those younger than age 2, anyone who typically has trouble breathing, an unconscious person, or a person who is unable to remove the mask without assistance.

Please note that the face masks are a recommendation intended to prevent the spread of the virus by keeping your germs to yourself. 

Also please note that surgical masks and N95 respirator masks are not being recommended for general public use. These masks are in short supply and are needed by those in the medical setting and first responders.

Please take a couple of minutes and read this pdf from the CDC on how to properly wear the masks to maximize effectiveness:


All information in this post is from the CDC website: and