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Why St. Anthony’s- Jean Martin

We are working to build our blog on our website so readers can have some great content. We are starting with our Why St. Anthony’s stories from our Facebook page. Please “like” us on Facebook @stanthonyshospice and “follow” us on Instagram @stanthonyshospice.

We are starting a new campaign called “Why St. Anthony’s” where every Friday we are sharing a story from someone in the community and our staff members about why they chose St. Anthony’s Hospice to care for their loved one and/or why they chose to work for St. Anthony’s.

From July 19, 2019- We are kicking off our Why St. Anthony’s stories with some kind words from Amy Brady about us providing care to her mom, Norma Jean Martin: “St Anthony’s Hospice provided at-home assistance to my mom which in turn helped our family. The visits, assistance with bathing, medication checks, chaplain visits, social work visits, etc. gave us peace of mind that she was receiving proper care in the comfort and safety of her own home. When moms condition continued to decline to the point where she needed more assistance and care than I could help with, St Anthony’s Hospice arranged for her transfer to the care center. The warm environment of the care center and the attentive, caring staff made a heart-wrenching, stressful, life-changing event easier. We knew that mom was receiving the proper attention and that the staff understood not only what mom was going through but also what the family was going through.”